Master of puppets
The best thing about being on the mail-team and not on the phone is that I can listen to music when I'm working. Since before my vacation I've been sitting alone with no people around to talk to so I've been listening to music almost all the time.
Yesterday I found "Metal Talks" on Spotify and it's kinda like a podcast/radio show where bands/band members talking about their music and the band and so on.
Today I'm listening to Metal talks - Metallica. They had Master of Puppets on the playlist and even though I've listened to it a thousand+ times it still gets to me. This time I had to hold back the tears when the solo came, it just says a lot about how fucking good it is. It is definitely one of the best solos in the history of music, according to me.
I don't think I can express how much I love this band and their music! Maybe I should just not hold back and let the tears speak for themselves?
It's been a while since I had this feeling... Butterflies! Excited, tingly! This is usually my Going-To-London-Feeling.
Tonight I'm going to Gröna Lund in Stockholm to see KoRn for the 3rd time. I was never a huge fan until Download2016 when I saw them for the first time. Before the gig we were talking about maybe going back to the hotel instead, to wait for Rammstein, but we decided to stay anyway and I am so glad we did! Both of us totally flipped when we realised how fucking good they were. So good, I actually think they were one of the best acts on DL2016! We jumped around, headbanging, totally overwhelmed. At some point I had to stop everything I was doing and just listen - the sound was so good, I thought it was playback. But it wasn't. Just KoRn being awesome!
Tomorrow I'm going back there to see Rival Sons for the 4th time. I will probably re-fall in love with Jay Buchanan, the singer. His voice just hits my heart and breaks it into a million pieces. It can't be explained, it is just crazy how much power he has in his voice. The way he not only just sings but expressing feelings, he's expressing the music in a way that I have never ever seen anoyone do before. I would say, without a doubt, he is the best rock n roll singer on this planet! (Bare in mind that this is coming from someone who has a hard time saying anyone's her favourite apart from James Hetfield, Metallica or Ivan Moody, FiveFingerDeathPunch). His bandmembers are of course very talented as well and they seem to have a chemistry that I also never have seen before. For example on their latest album Hollow Bones there's a track called Hollow Bones pt 2. I was listening to the commentary track and found out that it was basically a "jam-session" and the song ending up on the album was the first take. Hollow Bones pt 2 was my favourite track on this album before I found out, then - MIND-FUCKING-BLOWN! Then hearing it live.. Oh My God!
You can listen to it on Spotify or Youtube, links below!
You. Are. Welcome.
Enjoy! :)