I don't even know where to start...
A lot of things are happening in my life right now. Good things and bad things. Unfortunately, right now it feels like the bad things are taking over.
Last week I started feeling ill and went home from work early on Wednesday. I got a cold that is still with me one week later.
Without going into detail, I also miss my friend. I think about her/it a lot and it makes me sad that things are like this right now. I hate not knowing what is going to happen now or if things will even happen. It breaks my heart...
I'm trying to stay positive and I will not allow last year repeat itself, with the whole autumn-depression-thing (it kinda happens every year around this time but not as deep as last year). I can feel it coming and I'm not sure how to fight it off yet. I do know I have a lot of awesome things to look forward to, like FiveFingerDeathPunch, a lot of hockey and London in November. Then it's just Christmas, New Years and then it'll turn around. Until then, hopefully we've decided on where to celebrate our 10 year anniversary.
Tomorrow I'm seeing Malin and it's about time. We were supposed to meet up last Friday, but this cold got in the way. I know I'll feel better as soon as I get to see her. Can't wait! She is awesome !
Sorry this post was nothing but complaining. Hopefully next one will be nothing but happiness! <3