I'll miss the boobs

New Year, New Possibilities. What a cliché right? Still, it's true. At least for me, since every single year I want to start over. New start with better choices. 
This autumn was just like thee others. Dark, cold and depressing. Every year I get more or less depressed during the darkest months of the year. For you who does not live in Sweden - during the darkest time sun goes up around 09:00 and goes back down around 14:30. I admire people living even further north in Sweden, where there's like less than 1 hour of sun. Still, they get a hell of a lot of sunshine during summers when it's the opposite.
As I get depressed I eat. And stop going to the gym. And gain weight. This year was not an exception and since it's a New Year with New Possibilities I have decided to start over again. And make better choices. 
I look forward to lose weight, I look forward to eat healthy food and I really look forward to go to the gym. 
The only thing I am going to miss about the weight I put on is the boobs! I've never really had boobs until I gained weight and now they've grown a lot now. It might sound weird to anyone who's always had normal-sized boobs (or a guy) but it is one of the few things that I've never liked with my body and I've almost been ashamed of them. I know I'll feel healthier when I've lost some weight and I'll be more confident, I just wish the boobs would stay like they are now. 
Tomorrow is the last day before I go back to work. I've been free from work for 11 days straight. Tomorrow is the first day of my "New Life". Why not January 1st, you ask? Because knowing myself I will go crazy over the food and snacks that were left over from NYE. I hate throwing things away that is perfectly fine and especially if it is really good food. Instead of failing on the first day I postpone the first day of "the New Year" until a few days after. 
I love being this motivated to start. Right now I am this motivated because we are going to the Maldives in april. 3 months is what I've got to lose as much weight as possible. Now, remember I said I will make better choices. I will not go crazy (unhealthy) with the weightloss. I want to live a healthy life, I don't want a quick fix. This time it's for real. No shake diets, no diets at all actually. Just healthy eating/drinking, working out, getting enough sleep. And it all starts so soon! I can't weight (wait) xD
Good bye fat. Good bye boobs. 


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