Gotta start somewhere
It's been two and a half months since I went to the gym. I had such a good workout-flow up until mid-December and after that my life has been a mess. Not necessarily in a bad way, I have just been so so busy.
Worst case - hockey season with Hockeyallsvenskan will end on Friday next week and after that it'll be so much easier for me to have time to go to the gym. Only thing is I don't want it to end! It feels like it just started and this means there'll be no more hockey until September (apart from pre-season games in late summer). Good thing the NHL goes on until June...
I went to the gym on Saturday and Sunday. Since I haven't been there in such a long time, so I was thinking I'd start slow. That almost never works, cause when I'm finally there I'm so motivated to just go "all-in". And I did. It felt really good on Saturday but since then I've been so fucking sore. I've heard that the best way to get rid of the pain is working out even more, but didn't really work... I just can't wait for today to be over cause I'm guessing this will be the worst day!
Feels good to be back though!
On Tuesday I'm going to Oslo. I'm a bit nervous because of the language, but I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm looking forward to a break from my everyday life, doing something different. And hopefully I'll find a ticket to Rival sons!
"I'm not going to. But I want to. But I shouldn't. But I... No! I can't...But... STOP IT... But just a little bit... FFS DON'T! LEAVE. NOW!"
My little attempt to negotiate with myself.
For anyone else this might not seem so hard, but for an addict like me... It's a fight.
I stayed strong and didn't do it!
I'm talking about sugar. Yesterday, we had a little birthday party for one of my coworkers who turned 50 recently. Four different kinds of cakes were served. I had none! Well done, me!
Finally I found some space in my calendar to plan going to the gym, and it's on saturday. It's been so long since I went there and I'm really excited about going there.
Last night we went to Södertälje to watch Patriks game. It ended with a result different from what I was hoping for. I'm really happy I got to see my brother though, and I think he played well.
When we were almost back home I realised we have to go and get my car and when we got there I noticed I'm gonna have to clear the windows, since the temperature dropped during the day...
I put my things on the passenger seat and got the window-scraper-thingy. I closed the door and two seconds later my car told me: "Click"... All my things were locked in, and I was locked out! My iPhone, keys, creditcards - my life! xD I got back in J's car and we went to my parents house to get the extra key, about 10 minutes away. When we got there my dad told me that they didn't have the key and that we took it back home a while ago. I HAD TOTALLY FORGOTTEN ABOUT THAT!!! FUUUUCK!!!!
So, we went back home and got the key, got the car and then went home. Because of all this shit happening we got back home an hour later than if it didn't happen. I was just looking forward to get back home to my bed and go to sleep. When my head finally hit the pillow I fell sleep right away...

I have always loved tulips. They make me happy because they remind me of spring/summer (the best time of the year!)
I bought some for J the other day and we put them on our new chest of drawers upstairs. It really made the entire room feel different. Not sure if it's just me, but it felt like it brought a positive energy and made the room so much brighter. (This has made me feel like such a girly-girl)
We almost never have fresh flowers, but after this I'm going to want them all the time!

I have realised a lot of my blog posts are just me complaining about things. Being poor, being fat, being tired, being "darkness-depressed" and so on... Not this one though!
This week has been a good one and I have felt really lucky! Here are my top-three reasons why.
1. In the beginning of this week I got an e-mail from my teamleader in Norway (I'm working for a team in Oslo, Norway but I'm located in Stockholm, Sweden). She asked me if i wanted to join a meeting in Oslo later this month. OF COURSE I DO! :) I have never been to Oslo and I have never met my colleagues in Oslo, even though I have been working with them since April 2016.
I immediately said yes, but then I realised I hadn't checked my calendar first. I did, and found that going on feb 28th would be perfect since it was a "hockey-free" day. Also it wouldn't affect the Rival Sons-concert I'm going to on march 2nd. Looking at the calendar got me thinking, what if Rival Sons are playing in Oslo on feb 28?! I looked it up right away, and it turns out - THE ARE!!!!!!! So, I would get my flights and hotel payed to go over so the only thing I would have to get is the ticket. Unfortunately, the tickets are sold out. I will hopefully still be able to buy one on the "black market". *Fingers crossed*
2. Wednesday was gameday for Patrik, my brother. He scored twice, got two assists and he played so well!! He is so awesome and it makes me so happy to see him play. Anyone who knows me, knows I am his biggest fan and the proudest sister in the fucking world.
3. Some of you might know I have a "brother-who-is-not-really-my-brother", Marcus. He used to play in the same team as Patrik in the early days, and they were always really good friends. Since he practially lived with us on-and-off, especially during the summers, he became like a family member and I will always think of him as my brother.
In September he moved with his family to California, to play hockey. He has been playing for San José, Barracuda in AHL, adjusting to the North American hockey and earlier this week San José recalled him.
On Tuesday he got to make his NHL-debut against the Buffalo Sabres. He even got an assist on one of the goals!!! (Unfortunately they lost the game in OT).The game started 01:00 Wednesday (Sweden time) and I watched it with mum and dad :)
When I found out he was playing I cried happy tears and I felt so proud of him! I know how hard he worked to get here and he really deserves this!
Such an amazing week! Today is friday, my favourite day of the work week. We call it JennyDay at the office!
So to everyone reading this - Happy JennyDay!! <3
I've recently made my budget for February... And I realised I'm so fucking poor!
I hate worrying about money. It's so stressful and depressing. However I feel more motivated to sell shit I have that I don't need.
Last week I returned something I bought a while ago. That usually never happens, but it felt good knowing I would get some money back for something I probably won't use a lot.
I am going to try and remember to keep an eye on my bank account a bit more often. Being more aware would most likely make it easier not to buy unnecessary shit.
Being a spontaneous person can be a lot of fun, but sometimes there are economic consequences that makes it feel like that "fun little thing that was on sale" was just not worth it.
So I guess this is what it's like to be an adult. Buying a house, taking responsibility... Better get used to it.
Just to be clear, I'm only bitching about not having enough money to do the things I'm used to. Most of the time I feel that it is so worth it becuase I love my "new" home and I can't wait for summer when we can be outside, take a swim, have a massive BBQ-party (or five), grow things in my garden and when the electric bill will be cut in half... and then those halfs get cut in half, and then again!!
I realised it's not too long ago since my economic situation was like this. In May it'll be two years ago since I graduated, and two years ago since I stopped living on a "student-income", which was half of what I earn today. It's amazing how fast someone can adapt to a certain standard or a way of living. At least when it comes to having more money to spend. Let's see how long it'll take until I'm used to having less money to spend...