Last night we went to Södertälje to watch Patriks game. It ended with a result different from what I was hoping for. I'm really happy I got to see my brother though, and I think he played well.
When we were almost back home I realised we have to go and get my car and when we got there I noticed I'm gonna have to clear the windows, since the temperature dropped during the day...
I put my things on the passenger seat and got the window-scraper-thingy. I closed the door and two seconds later my car told me: "Click"... All my things were locked in, and I was locked out! My iPhone, keys, creditcards - my life! xD I got back in J's car and we went to my parents house to get the extra key, about 10 minutes away. When we got there my dad told me that they didn't have the key and that we took it back home a while ago. I HAD TOTALLY FORGOTTEN ABOUT THAT!!! FUUUUCK!!!!
So, we went back home and got the key, got the car and then went home. Because of all this shit happening we got back home an hour later than if it didn't happen. I was just looking forward to get back home to my bed and go to sleep. When my head finally hit the pillow I fell sleep right away...