Becoming a pilot

I have always loved travelling and visiting new places. What fascinates most about it is being able to travel a loooong distance in a very short period of time. In just roughly 2 hours I can go from Stockholm to London, in 10 hours I can get as far as Thailand. Every time I'm on holiday I think about the fact that only a few hours ago I was in Sweden/wherever I've been and it amazes me every single time. At this point I am an experienced traveller, with at least 3 return trips/year, still I'm really excited for it every single time. I love having a window seat!
When I turned 25 I got a gift certificate for a flying lesson, but it wasn't until a few weeks ago that I actually did it. It really was one of the most amazing things I have ever done. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was definitely better than I ever would've imagined. At first we got in the plane and went through a checklist making sure the plane was ready. I flew with an experienced pilot who told me what he was doing and why. He managed the take off, and when we got up to 3000 ft (about 1000 m) he told me that I could carefully grab the joystick-thingy and control the plane myself. 
The flight was about 30 minutes and I got to control it for about 15 minutes, flying over the village where I grew up, then the pilot took over and showed me around (even though I know that place, since I lived there for 22 years, I have to say it looks a lot different from 3000 ft).
After my flying lesson most people I have talked to asked me if I was scared but honestly, I wasn't. Not even for a second. I just felt so happy and all I wanted to do was to get back in that plane and fly away. 

Now I really want a PPL (Private Pilot Licence) so that I can fly whenever I want.Unfortunately it is pretty expensive to get one, also you have to spend a lot of time to learn how to fly. Hopefully one day I will have the money and time for it. Maybe I will win the lottery. Then I will definitely buy a plane and get a PPL... 


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