I live my life with few regrets. I think that regrets won't make my life better and since I can't do anything to change what has already happened, there is no point of having them. I love my life and every single decision I have made in my 9530 days on this planet have lead me to where I am today. I can remember 2 or 3 things that I genuinely regret. One of those things was almost 9 years ago when I skipped school to go to a concert. I went there early with a friend to stand in the very front of the crowd. We sat outside the club and very soon after we got there I saw two of the band members walking on the street. They saw the fans sitting there and waved at us. When I saw them I almost started crying and kinda froze. I couldn't do anything. My regret is not walking up to them to say hello. Still after 9 years they're still one of my favourite bands.
One of my other regrets goes even further back. I was 15 and in the middle of a hormone-chaos. My feelings were very teenage-y and once I got in a fight with my parents. I felt like there was only one person in the world who understood me and that was Liza. I was really angry and I decided that I was going to take my scooter and go to her place. My mum said I couldn't but I was going to anyway. I put on one shoe and had the other one in my hand when my mum grabbed me. She didn't want me to drive when I was in a middle of a rage black out, so she tried to stop me by holding me. Here is my regret: Trying to break free from her grip I hurt her on purpose. It is definitely the biggest regret of my life, hurting someone I love so much. It really hurts my heart that I did that and that I can't take it back.
Mum (and dad), if you ever read this I want you to know that I am sorry for hurting you. I love you more than anything in the world and if there was ANYTHING I could do to undo it, I would do it in a heartbeat. <3
Mum (and dad), if you ever read this I want you to know that I am sorry for hurting you. I love you more than anything in the world and if there was ANYTHING I could do to undo it, I would do it in a heartbeat. <3
For those of you who don't know me or my parents should know that I have the best parents in the world. They have always put me and my brother first. We have always been spoiled (without becoming brats), not only with things and doing what we want to do, but most importantly with love. Mum and dad always take their time and always cared, and even if both me and my brother moved from home we are still just as spoiled. I cannot imagine a better family and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.
On a less serious note, here is my latest regret:
Yesteray I went for a run. It was the worst run in years and for a second I thought I wouldn't make it all the way. I did, but it was the slowest run in a long time. Now, I'm not regretting going for a run yesterday. I regret NOT going for a run more often. During my holiday I put on some weight and I didn't work out for a few weeks, and right now I am not really in shape. I am disappointed in myself for not taking care of my health and fitness. Last year I was in good shape and started to like my body again, but since then I have gained weight and now I am back to not liking it again.
However, this motivates me to start over. I see this as a fresh start and I'm not gonna see this as a failure, but as an opportunity to make a change.
Enough regrets. Let's change this MotherFucker!